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Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

February 18th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments


first of all , i use Game Master to finish the work , of course you can use FPE ,

Hex or other tools

1. Create a create player . You shoud set Skin Color as ‘1’ (jet black) , the save


2. I have not use Hex for this work , but the mind is the same . 1st , find out

the address of Player’s close shooting , then use it minus ’13C’ .
e. g. you find the address of Player’s close shooting is 045FC268 , so 045FC268 –

13c = 045FC12C , 045FC12C is what we need . After that you will find the value of

045FC12C is ’04’ and you must change it as ’00’ . Then enter the game , you will find
the create player without head , that means you succeed . Then you give he a Face ID ,

and you can get the CF , and change the skin color for amending the leg’s color

3. If you use Game Master or FPE , after you create the player , you must enter the

player edit againt , and find out the close shooting adress , also minus ’13C’ , and use

’00’ displace ’04’ and save player ….then the same as the method of Hex

4. by the way , you can also modification of the create player
here are some pictures



1.Year : shooting close address minus ’11B’ is the draft year , after ‘5E’ is 19XX , before it is 20xx
2.Round : shooting close address minus ’17E’ and the next address is draft round . 80 38 is ‘1’ , 00 11 is ‘2’ , 80 11 is ‘3’
3.Pick : shooting close address minus ‘127’

there have something i have not explain clarity , English is not so well , nj help me to describe the tutorial , and i will give you a english graphics tutorial ASAP

nj :

basically just just search for the 1st four or five (as long as these numbers will make ur search be unique) attributes of a player using hex workshop ( shooting close, mid and stuff, but remember to convert them into hex value instead of decimal ones ), and go 13c backwards, change that value to 00, then save the ROS file. Open the ros again in hades roster editor, go to the player you edited just now (maybe also assign him with a new iff here if you want to), save it, then re-load the roster in game. You should be able to see him with the iff file you assigned just now if you’ve done everything correctly.
Anyway, it’s pretty straight forward, but if you still get confused or screwed up, just post your questions here, or wait for his graphical tutorial tmr


Under study


Create Player Draft info and any other info
Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial
Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

Create Player using CF
Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

Create New Shoes (add total number of shoes)
Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial


Chinese pic tutorial


Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial


Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

1. you should find the close shooting address of which player you want to match
2. close shooting address minus ‘ 142 ‘ is the Brand of the shoes
3. close shooting address minus ‘ 140 ‘ is the Name of the shoes
4. close shooting address minus ‘ 13F ‘ is the Color of the shoes

Then look at this form to change the value of the address

Create Player with CF & Match hidden Shoes Tutorial

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