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Free Email Account Service @nba-2k.com

March 21st, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

NBA-2K.COM ?s Email Service is under Google Apps.

So there are only 50 members can have your own username@nba-2k.com .

If you want one. Just leave a response to tell us which nickname do you want.

For example.

I want one and my nick name is showfom.

When we see this, I will send you email and your new email address is showfom@nba-2k.com

Notice: DO NOT leave your email address and password in the text area . Just type your original email address:

Free Email Account Service @nba-2k.com

and I?ll send you a email with a random password.

That?s all. Only 50 members can get it and we will never provide @nba-2k.com free email service forever. Because Google Apps only provide 50 members in a free account.

Seize on this opportunity !

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