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NBA 2K10 PC Paches Needs Help

March 10th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

NBA 2K10 Post-Patch Crew/Team-Up Issue

Link: http://www.2ksports.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256292

Hey guys,
We are trying to get a better understanding of the issue here. Please share with me what is happening of the following options:

1.) The game ends with a dialog that reads “A network problem has been encountered that prevents gameplay from continuing.”

Users encounter this message when the state of the game differs between machines (e.g. one machine thinks a point was scored and another doesn’t). They’re usually triggered by the actions taken by one of the users in the match before entering gameplay, so if this category comprises your error, for now enter crew games directly from the title screen and not go anywhere else first. We can look into what is causing this instead.

2.) The game ends with a dialog that reads “Network conditions are too poor for this game to continue” or “Connection with opponent lost. Exiting game.”

These are our peer-to-peer networking error dialogs. If these show up as soon as everyone readies up in the “Game Lobby” – probably after a dialog appears that reads “Exchanging data. Please wait” – then one or more machines in the match are incapable of communicating with each other.

3.) General Lag

This latency is caused by connecting to a host that’s either laggy or you are not acting well peer-to-peer with the host. Part of the patch was to cache these broken connections so this should get better over time for those of you who play a lot.

4.) Other Error Message

Please share with us exactly what error message you are hitting. One thing I haven’t seen (which was majorly the case before the recent patch) is the Online FAQ error message. So at least that’s better for those of you who do a good job port forwarding.

Let us know. Thanks.


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