Home > NBA 2K12 > NBA 2K12 Keeps Giving us What We Want

NBA 2K12 Keeps Giving us What We Want

September 1st, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

Back when the NBA video game world was expanding into giving you an actual NBA experience, the limitations of games reached beyond whatever the technology allowed.

While NBA Live 95 was revolutionizing the overall expansion of NBA video games with a 30-degree angle, instant replay and the ability to trade players, it was being hampered with the exclusion of the league’s biggest star. Michael Jordan, among others, would not allow his likeness to be sold with these games. EA Sports cleverly went around these legal issues by inserting “Player 23” onto the Bulls, and wouldn’t you know it that he seemed to have the exact same look and abilities of a certain global icon.

Read More: http://espn.go.com/blog/truehoop/post/_/id/31232/nba-2k12-keeps-giving-us-what-we-want

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