Home > NBA 2K12 > NBA 2K12 Positioned to Fare Relatively Well Despite Lockout

NBA 2K12 Positioned to Fare Relatively Well Despite Lockout

2K Sports is coming off the extraordinary release of NBA 2K11 which in most years would mean smooth sailing. Word of mouth from the previous iteration often is the biggest influence on consumer support and confidence and marketing wise the company has that in its back pocket. However with the NBA lockout official and expected to extend into the season the series now faces similar hurdles to those Madden NFL 12 dealt with earlier in the summer. More problematic is that 2K12 does so with a labor situation that appears much less likely to be resolved without damage having being done first.

Read More: http://www.pastapadre.com/2011/07/02/nba-2k12-positioned-to-fare-relatively-well-despite-lockout

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