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NCAA Mod 2K10 Lite Version Released

March 19th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments


byczek, koresh_NIK and JaoSming.

Thanks for CHNxiaoju and lazymac for shoes, thanks for Rush for trailer.



NCAA Mod 2K10 Lite Version Released


NCAA Mod 2K10 Lite Version Released NCAA Mod 2K10 Lite Version Released

Online Video:

NBA 2K10 game. Copy and paste your game folder and then rename it to NCAA 2K10. This way you will keep intact your NBA 2K10.

2) Uncompress rar and you will find 4 main folders.

2a) NBA 2K10 : copy files from this folder to your NCAA 2K10 folder.

2b) Rosters and Sliders : copy files from this folder to

Windows XP

Copy to C: / Documents and Settings / [USER] / Application Data / 2K Sports /NBA 2K10 / Saves

Windows Vista – 7

C: / Users / [USER] /AppData / Roaming / 2K Sports / NBA 2K10 / Saves

2c) Final Four Arena / NCAA Arena ( It depends if you?d like Final Four Arena or NCAA One )
Copy files to your NCAA 2K10 folder 11 times and rename it like this

for Michigan State

  • dornaxxx to ddorna005
  • fxxx to f005
  • sxxx to s005

Do the same all the 11 teams renaming to numbers

008 Purdue

009 West Virginia

011 Villanova

014 Kansas

016 Duke

017 Connecticut

019 North Carolina

026 Texas

027 Kentucky

028 Ohio State

029 Syracuse

2d) There are other folders named

  • alternate accesories
  • alternate jerseys not used
  • away accesories

Their content is optional to use or not. Files go to NCAA 2K10 main folder you have created.

Download Links:




V2.0 Update:

by byczek, koresh_NIK and JaoSming. Thanks to CHNxiaoju and lazymac for shoes, to pepis by NCAA ball, to trailrunners for roster of Wisconsin.
Thanks for Rush for great trailer.





What’s new:
– 3 new teams: Baylor, Georgetown and Kansas State
– jerseys and logos for new teams
– fixed logos for previous teams (according with espn.go.com)
– 5 new CFs




Lite Version:




Categories: NBA 2K10, NBA 2K11 Tags: ,
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