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Some News About NBA 2K10 Official Patches

January 27th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

All from Twitter.com @Ronnie2K


RT@domidomdomz@Ronnie2K what’s up with NBA 2k10 patch? Can u tell us that DD’s received it, please?
->They have, up to them to release.

RT@boggsout@Ronnie2K Another Nba patch coming?? Tell me more about that bro
->No. PC patch only remaining.


RT@waiior@Ronnie2K What about NBA PC patch?
->It’s with DD.out of our hands.We can’t relwase is in one place cause online compatibility


RT@phenomenas@Ronnie2K nba2K10 pc patch coming soon?
->Should do,digital distributors are lining up.Go together for online compatibility


RT@phenomenas@Ronnie2K why don’t you release nba2k10 pc patch on 2ksports.com?
->For online compatibility reasons,have to go out same time

RT@domidomdomz@Ronnie2K will PC patch take weeks for it to be distributed or just days?
->Kinda depends on the DD’s,but guess is week or so

NBA 2K10 PC Patch signed off QA,being sent off to digital distribution partners today.Release gets ever closer.


RT@TCnumba@Ronnie2K Any news on the NBA2K PC Patch?Will it ever be release?
->It will.I will see what iI can find out.

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