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Star Mike’s Journey To NBA 2K12

September 6th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

With the NBA lockout threating to keep basketball fans from experiencing what could potentially be another great year in NBA hoops. One young man finds inspiration from both the hardwood game we love, to the digital canvas of the best NBA game on the planet. NBA 2k…Star Mike a young 15-year-old out of Queens New York City is a huge fan of sports, he’s also an aspiring hip-hop artist. One of his biggest wishes is to make a song that would be fit enough to make it onto NBA 2k’s video game soundtrack. When it comes to sports games, and basketball ones. The soundtrack for NBA 2k is perhaps one of the best around. Having artist such as Drake, Snoop, Common, Kid Cudi, and others have gracing the game’s soundtrack over the years. Getting a placement on the soundtrack his a huge opportunity for an artist. It’s a hallmark for any fan of basketball, and NBA 2k not just for the music, but the honor to be part of a great sport’s game. “I play the game religiously, and follow 2k’s progress. Ronnie on twitter is one of the coolest people, and I love his conversations about the game. Hopefully I can make it on there one day.”

Read More: http://thekingslayer.com/boombox-gamer/star-mikes-journey-to-nba-2k12/

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