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NBA 2K10 Jersey Editor Released

March 23rd, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

NBA 2K10 Jersey Editor Released

Source: http://www.moddingway.com/news/758.html

We are back with great tools for your favourite games. Thanks to master jor1980 ( with the help of master Stelios ) we are able to enjoy the Jerseys Editor for NBA 2K10. You can import / export textures, set numbers ( front, back, shorts ) and names placement. Click on Read More to get the link and check out instructions on how to use this amazing tool.


If you want to change the positions of numbers and names you only have to move the trackbars.

The program remembers the last position of the trackbars when you start it.

To add short number you must check the ShortNumber checkbox.

To insert new numbers or fonts you have to insert them as indexed(256 colors) with transparency .png file.

To insert other textures you must insert them with the same format and mipmaps as the original except if the original is a .bmp file, in that case you don?t need to create mipmaps.

To save textures you only have to click over the picture

To insert new textures dragdrop over the picture

It is VERY IMPORTANT that if you create new numbers or fonts they were in the SAME POSITION of the texture as the original ones.

To avoid problems with the colors i recommend you create the textures from a new file.

You can?t use a perfect white(255,255,255) because it is setted as the transparent color,so if you want to use a white color on your numbers or fonts you can use all non perfect whites, for example(255,254,255).

In the program folder there are a phtoshop action file(2k.atn), with these actions you can create the green textures easily, to make it play the action 2kgreen and you will obtain the green texture if the result is not all green check the red channel and blue channel and paint both on all black

Download Link:


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